So I've decided to begin the crazy hectic journey of keeping another blog. I had one previously, but I tend to get bored very easily. (Like now) I do however enjoy writting and discussions. (who dosen't love getting their point across?) This is NOT a popularity contest. I'm not in this for followers (the follower app. dosent work with my template anyway and I don't know how to figure it out.) I'm here to express myself. My views and opioins are what matter most to me. (comments are nice!) I like knowing how YOU feel aswell. I vent, I cry (alot.) I am human. THIS IS MY BLOG! If you don't agree with something I have to say or how I feel about something, by all means SAY IT! I am not a close minded individual. I am willing to see things for anyones perspective. (I don't claim to know everything) I am willing to learn aswell as teach. (ask questions. I answer) Geez, I just noticed it's 10:40am and I have been up since 2:00am. Right now would be the time that I would light up a cigarette, but I quit. (It's been a full week.) I heard somewhere that if you can quit something for one week, you can quit forever. I've been smoking since I was 9 years old. I know?! I turned 20 January 17th. For 11 years I have had this "crutch" I guess you could call it, and in ONE week I have branched out on my own. Alone and cold turkey. (Yay me!) I work overnight, and I realized after I actually quit smoking that when I am at work is when I smoke the most. So thats the time the cravings start. I always thought it was silly ...addiction.!? Yeah, it's not in the least bit. I am surviving though, and I am proud of myself. I've also decided for the first year ever to commit to a "new years resolution" :) I want to lose weight. I've come across this new found will power, so I'm taking it on full throttle. I just hope I'm not biting off more then I can chew. (no pun intended, lol) I figured my two task go hand in hand. I've been told people who quit smoking seem to gain weight. I think I can do it, better yet I know I can. I bought some weight loss pills (hydroxycut) and already I have lost 4 and a half pounds in 2 weeks. (dieting and excersize) I'm begining to believe that 2009 will be a good year. Hope you're all enjoying it.

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