Well, I have kind of been keeping a secret... (looks down) Yeah, I'm sorry but things that revolve around this little secret have gotten really complicated, so I didn't want to just throw it out there before I actually had a handle on what was going on, but now I sorta need some advice. Sooo here we go.....
A few days after my "Trip Gone Wrong" to Louisiana for Mardi Gras I was at work and met this guy. We exchanged numbers and started talking. His name is Justin. We've been dating since. He makes me happy. (who doesn't at first?) I don't know. When I'm around him I just don't care about portraying myself to make him like me. I'm me, and he accepts that. He understands my boundaries and he respects my choices. Like the fact that I'm not one to rush into sex. He's willing to wait with me. Untill I'm ready. Justin is the complete opposite of what I am usually attracted to, but it works. Part of me has felt like I was just jumping into something because of Chris. I've known from a young age that I hate to be alone. I've never really NOT had a boyfriend up untill a few years ago. The split between my sons dad and I did some damage. I'm growing though, and slowly but surely I've been opening up. I've had one serious relationship in the past 3 years and we split just recently. With Chris I realized my expectations were to high for him. I learned from that situation and I'm truly better from it. Justin, on the other hand I've really been trying to let him show me what should be expected from him. I have my expectations like all women, but I want him to simply live up to his own potential before I start throwing out the hurdles. Justin and I have been "dating" for about a month now and you know how even the largest city can become "he said, she said" central when you start dating someone. Everyone knows everyone and everything about everything. The rumors start flying and people start coming out the wood works. One of those people being my best friend. It came out that her and Justin hung out a few years ago. So she knows him. This is where it gets complicated. My friend Jennifer goes to a different college then I do. Well I get a text message from her saying "Justin is dating a girl from my school" .... I froze. (I just can't get a fucking break.) Now I'm not one to fall into the twisted stories of the he said, she said but this is my BEST FRIEND! Why would she lie? She has no reason to. I pick up the phone and call her. "What's going on?" she breaths heavy say's she is sorry then goes into the story of how this girl was showing pictures of her and her "man". Jennifer looked at the pictures and saw that it was a picture from Valentines Day of this chick and Justin. I breath it off. Him and I weren't together for Valentines. So I called him. He says they dated a while, but broke up recently before him and I even started talking. He even calls the female on three way. I let the situation go.
Now my friends not to happy with me. But it gets worst. The female at her school is still saying she is with Justin. I've asked Justin a few times about it and he blows it off. I mean he did call her, but I don't know. Females lie too. He came over last Monday and while he was here Jennifer texted me. He took my phone and asked if he could text her back. I said No, but he didn't listen. He texted her and told her to tell the other female and herself to stay out his buisness. "DAMN" let the drama roll. After he leaves I get a text from Jennifer saying "When you're done with him and ready for a friend, call me." WOW she is making me choose? I didn't do anything. I told him not to text her. What kind of friend does that though? I didn't bring her into this. She did herself. I appreciate it, but why am I the one in the wrong? Fuck it, Her wish is his command. Last Tuesday I get a text from Justin saying "I can't talk to you any more. I'm sorry." We broke up. The End. I called Jennifer and told her. She tried to hide (badly) that she was happy, but she was there for me. I guess. Then she text me later that day and was like "Girl Justin isn't worth it. He's taking that girl to the movies tonight." Hearing this hurt, and I wanted to tell her that I didn't care. Ya' know? I know she is trying to be a good friend but I don't want to hear about what he is doing. He broke up with me.
It's been a few days and I can't even lie. Everytime my phone rang or my text alert went off there was a pinch of hope that HE was the reason behind it... I woke up the other morning and checked my phone (routine) "OHMYGOODNESS" I felt so silly. I had a text from him. I didn't want to let him know how much hearing from him meant so this is how the conversation went.
A few days after my "Trip Gone Wrong" to Louisiana for Mardi Gras I was at work and met this guy. We exchanged numbers and started talking. His name is Justin. We've been dating since. He makes me happy. (who doesn't at first?) I don't know. When I'm around him I just don't care about portraying myself to make him like me. I'm me, and he accepts that. He understands my boundaries and he respects my choices. Like the fact that I'm not one to rush into sex. He's willing to wait with me. Untill I'm ready. Justin is the complete opposite of what I am usually attracted to, but it works. Part of me has felt like I was just jumping into something because of Chris. I've known from a young age that I hate to be alone. I've never really NOT had a boyfriend up untill a few years ago. The split between my sons dad and I did some damage. I'm growing though, and slowly but surely I've been opening up. I've had one serious relationship in the past 3 years and we split just recently. With Chris I realized my expectations were to high for him. I learned from that situation and I'm truly better from it. Justin, on the other hand I've really been trying to let him show me what should be expected from him. I have my expectations like all women, but I want him to simply live up to his own potential before I start throwing out the hurdles. Justin and I have been "dating" for about a month now and you know how even the largest city can become "he said, she said" central when you start dating someone. Everyone knows everyone and everything about everything. The rumors start flying and people start coming out the wood works. One of those people being my best friend. It came out that her and Justin hung out a few years ago. So she knows him. This is where it gets complicated. My friend Jennifer goes to a different college then I do. Well I get a text message from her saying "Justin is dating a girl from my school" .... I froze. (I just can't get a fucking break.) Now I'm not one to fall into the twisted stories of the he said, she said but this is my BEST FRIEND! Why would she lie? She has no reason to. I pick up the phone and call her. "What's going on?" she breaths heavy say's she is sorry then goes into the story of how this girl was showing pictures of her and her "man". Jennifer looked at the pictures and saw that it was a picture from Valentines Day of this chick and Justin. I breath it off. Him and I weren't together for Valentines. So I called him. He says they dated a while, but broke up recently before him and I even started talking. He even calls the female on three way. I let the situation go.
Now my friends not to happy with me. But it gets worst. The female at her school is still saying she is with Justin. I've asked Justin a few times about it and he blows it off. I mean he did call her, but I don't know. Females lie too. He came over last Monday and while he was here Jennifer texted me. He took my phone and asked if he could text her back. I said No, but he didn't listen. He texted her and told her to tell the other female and herself to stay out his buisness. "DAMN" let the drama roll. After he leaves I get a text from Jennifer saying "When you're done with him and ready for a friend, call me." WOW she is making me choose? I didn't do anything. I told him not to text her. What kind of friend does that though? I didn't bring her into this. She did herself. I appreciate it, but why am I the one in the wrong? Fuck it, Her wish is his command. Last Tuesday I get a text from Justin saying "I can't talk to you any more. I'm sorry." We broke up. The End. I called Jennifer and told her. She tried to hide (badly) that she was happy, but she was there for me. I guess. Then she text me later that day and was like "Girl Justin isn't worth it. He's taking that girl to the movies tonight." Hearing this hurt, and I wanted to tell her that I didn't care. Ya' know? I know she is trying to be a good friend but I don't want to hear about what he is doing. He broke up with me.
It's been a few days and I can't even lie. Everytime my phone rang or my text alert went off there was a pinch of hope that HE was the reason behind it... I woke up the other morning and checked my phone (routine) "OHMYGOODNESS" I felt so silly. I had a text from him. I didn't want to let him know how much hearing from him meant so this is how the conversation went.
Justin: Hey...
Me: What do you want?
Justin: I saw your mom this morning.
Me: Where?
Justin: Can you call me?
Me: No. Where did you see my mom?
Justin: Why Not?
Justin: She was at the store.
Me: What do you need to tell me? Text it.
Me: Oh. Okay.
Me: ???
Justin: I miss you.
Justin: I just want to talk
Me: You broke up with me
Justin: Fuck...
Me: I have to go. Ttyl.
Justin: K. Bye.
Me: What do you want?
Justin: I saw your mom this morning.
Me: Where?
Justin: Can you call me?
Me: No. Where did you see my mom?
Justin: Why Not?
Justin: She was at the store.
Me: What do you need to tell me? Text it.
Me: Oh. Okay.
Me: ???
Justin: I miss you.
Justin: I just want to talk
Me: You broke up with me
Justin: Fuck...
Me: I have to go. Ttyl.
Justin: K. Bye.
I choked up. He misses me... Is he just saying that? Maybe he's just saying what he thinks I just want to hear. Maybe he is as misserable missing me like I have been over him? I don't know. A few days have passed now. I haven't heard from him. No text, no call. Nothing. A friend calls me and says "I saw your boyfriend today, but he didn't speak." I text back and say "EX-Boyfriend. He broke up with me. She says "That explains it. Sorry." Another day passes. Still no word. Man. Is he with her? As much as I tried to keep my mind from wondering down that thought, I couldn't help it. Last night was it though. I wasn't going to be scared anymore. I texted him.
Me: I miss you. Even though I shouldn't.
The worst he could say would be to leave him alone. Maybe if I really heard it or read it then it would be easier to just go about my own way...maybe. My phone goes off. It takes me at least 5 minutes to open it and read the text. My eyes got so big.
The worst he could say would be to leave him alone. Maybe if I really heard it or read it then it would be easier to just go about my own way...maybe. My phone goes off. It takes me at least 5 minutes to open it and read the text. My eyes got so big.
Justin: I miss you too. I can't get you off my mind.
Me. Really?
Justin: Yes.
Me: Then why did you break up with me?
Justin: To much comotion.
Justin: You believe the hype
Me: I believe only what YOU show me
Justin: I'm trying to show you
Me: What do you want for us?
Justin: to be together
Me: The prove it
Justin: I'm trying
Me: Try Harder
Justin: I will
Me. Really?
Justin: Yes.
Me: Then why did you break up with me?
Justin: To much comotion.
Justin: You believe the hype
Me: I believe only what YOU show me
Justin: I'm trying to show you
Me: What do you want for us?
Justin: to be together
Me: The prove it
Justin: I'm trying
Me: Try Harder
Justin: I will
So where exactly are we now? I've been up since 9am and I haven't texted him yet. I'm debating on if I should wait for him to text me, or if I should text him first. I want to see him. I think I am going to text him. I feel weird now. Almost like we are starting all over, but now if things do get back on track with us I have my "best friend" to worry about. I understand that friends want what is best for you, and she dosen't want to see me hurt. But why is she hurting me too? A friend is supposed to be there no matter what. I didn't turn my back on her when she was doing things I didn't agree with. I never gave her an altimatum. So now I'm torn between two people who have both kinda hurt me. My mom said "Sha (it's a cajun word) you can't have your cake and eat it too." Thanks mom. I don't know. Part of me wants to scream at them and say " You take me how I am. Flaws and all." I'm human. I am going to fuck up. I am going to make mistakes. I am going to hurt. I am going to cry. I am NOTperfect. Far from it. If the guy I care about and my best friend can't accept that then I really don't know.

3 Love Notes:
Danny baby-- I have been in this situation more times than I care to admit. Your mom is right....Im sorry. Though honestly Danny baby--is she really a friend if she turned her back on you? Friends dont do that and seriously it seems like you are giving more than you are taking....She's hurting you...I'm sorry Danny, all this h.s friend shit needs to be let go of. We are grown ass adults and truth is...friends dont hurt friends.
Sorry if I am coming off mean---hahaha Im not mamas. Ive been there one too many times. JUst know REAL friends re not her.
Stephie cakes, thank you sooo much mamas. I know. I was thinking about the situation last night and her doing this is no different than if he hurts me. She says she is trying to protect me, but hurting me in the process? It's not fair but "Life is never fair" It sucks that she would let her true colors out now, after all these years, and after everything I've done for her.
I know you're not being mean, you're being real and although the truth hurts it's something I needed to hear. THANK YOU SO MUCH
Love ya' girl.
Drop him like a bad habit! You deserve SOOOOO much better!!! Hes obviously dating this other girl too if she is showing pictures of them together still.
How can you trust him?? Maybe you should ask him to introduce you to this girl in PERSON.
Please don't take him back:( Ive been in this situation before. Hes not worth your time.
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