
We Tried.

Justin and I broke up.

Mutual decision, he wanted to kind of work on it, but I was just not feeling it anymore. No bad blood though. We hung out last night, it was strange, but not bad. Life has been busy. I haven't been able to unpack all my clothes. My new house is hardly near done, but I am having fun being independent. HAPPY EASTER to everyone. Sorry I have been slacking on the blog, but It will get worst. I won't have a computer for a while. :(
I will try and keep things pretty much up to date.
Peace and Love

2 Love Notes:

Stephie J said...

Sorry you had to go through that:(. Hope your friends who were upset with you are still around to be there for you.

Miss.Stefanie said...

*hugs* I love you pookie....Sorry you had to experience this...I hate seeing you go thru it. Im here for you baby boo!