I AM GOING HOME......(again)
This has been the hardest choice to make. I've settled in Houston. I've made friends. I have my job, school, life, but theres always something missing. Theres always that feeling in the back of my mind like damn, in New Orleans we do this....so I am going home. I tried Texas on for size, and she just dosen't fit. Too big, not my style. I've laid in bed for a few nights now just going back and fourth, wheighing out my pro's and con's about moving back to Louisiana and I came to the conclusion yesterday that I am ready to go back, and settle in the "Big Easy" I'm set to leave the first week of July. Usually a month would seem like forever but it seems like I have so many things to get in order before I leave, and before I arrive that I almost feel over whelmed. I keep forgetting things that I need to do, like now. (I just remembered I was supposed to make copies to mail off for school.) Damn, well I guess I'll return to this later. At least I got you guys a bit caught up. I'll probally be on a slight hiatus for a few days/weeks while I get everything in order with the move but I will try and check in as much as possible. I am super excited about this. I can't wait to be HOME!
1 Love Notes:
I am sooooo happy for you!!
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