Oh how we love our Hollywood scandals and gossip...BUT somethings get kind of old.
How many times can one persons nude pics "accidently" get leaked for fans and people around the world to see? Seriously? Well it seems that Miss Teen Queen herself Vannessa Hudgens star of the cliche Teen flick trio "Highschool Musical" is trying to set the record. (Watch out Miley Cyrus,) Thanks to Mr. Perez Hilton (xoxo Love ya') I came across these.

Tasteless and tacky. Is she not? Sad thing is, I've always thought she was a really pretty girl. I understand that somethings are meant to be kept private, but when you're in the spotlight there are somethings you shouldn't do. Specially if you're fans age ranges are 9-15 yr. old little girls. This is what you want to teach them? Cover up, Vannessa.
Jenny Fidelity
2 Love Notes:
Did she not learn the first time!?!?!?
i dont like her nips...theyre too pink...
thats all...
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