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So he's kind of got my attention and YES, he won't let go. This has to be one of the coolest guys I have met in a long time. (a VERY long time.) He keeps me with a smile on my face, even when I am too tired to move a muscle, and he genuinely makes me happy. I look forward to hearing from him. Even if I know to expect his call I get all giddy and childlike. We met during the summer while I was living with my aunt in Louisiana. (I recently moved to Texas with my mom) We've talked ever since. Since I've gotten older, I have never been much of a phone person. (I don't own a cellphone at the moment) But, I remeber the first night we talked. He had class, but even knowing that we sat on the phone from 10pm (I think) to around 9am the next morning! It was the longest conversation I'd had in years, and to be honest I didn't even want to hang up. It was one of those phone calls that last forever and you still feel like the moment could keep going. The highlight of the entire call was never either of us saying "So, what do you want to talk about?"
I don't think we ever had to ask that. We talked about everything and anything. We clicked, and the conversation flowed. We had so much in common, but there was also a balance of his dislikes and mine. So it wasn't some type of Stepford Wives perfection. It wasn't this one night, let's pass the time phone call and maybe we will talk again either. We still talk, we still have things to talk about, and I still get butterflies when I hear his voice. He calls me while I'm at work just to see how I'm doing and if I am AWAKE (I work over night) and what makes it better is that I'm not tired of him, and I'm hoping he isn't tired of me. So this year I am not bitter about being alone for V Day. I know I have someone special to think about. So I'm content with simply sitting at home, watching "The Notebook", and eating my favorite flavor ice cream (Mint Chocolate Chip) and thinking about him, and hopefully he's thinking about me. :)

7 Love Notes:
Aww. He's a cutie.
And I don't even like dreads. LOL
Awwww <3
Hes sooo cute!
Can I come eat some icecream with u? Mint Chocolate Chip is my favourite.
Rai - I know girl. I didn't either. Ha ha, now I'm like "I'll twist em' for ya!"
Steph - Thanks mamas <3 He's soo great. GOOD LUCK SATURDAY! xoxo
Miss STephhy J - I know, he's got such a beautiful smile. I get all stupid when I'm around him and he smiles. LOL and Yes mama, you're more than welcome to join me. :)
oh man.
lusky you...
i have two peeps to pursue,
taken yet still feel lonely on V-day,lol
Marie - I figured at a young"er" age that as long as you have yourself you're NEVER alone. =] So don't be lonely. Come share ICE CREAM !
those are teh best convos where there is never any awkward silence. You never want them to end. Sounds promising.
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