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Well not really on a jet plane, but I am leaving tomorrow. YAY! I have to admit this week went by faster then I expected it too. I'm not complaining. I am totally ubber excited. (ha ha) Not only to go see "him" but I get to see my familia, and I just get to escape for a while. No stress, no worries, just me. (and him =] lol) I haven't even started packing yet, and I was supposed to make a trip to the mall to grab some new tunnels for my ears (I'm an a 00 now) and some new kicks (dunks <3)>up and do the things I need to do before I leave. Ahh well, hopefully I will get everything done. Maybe I'll obtain a camera in the meantime and I'll have pictures to show. (Mine broke a few weeks ago) Well I wish you guys all the best during the next few days and if you're celebrating mardi gras then do it up and drink it down. =] Have a blessed one guys.

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