
The Rain Don't Last Forever

So, Maybe I should stop being cheap, and actually get my own wifi. My computer hasn't been catching the one network that dosen't have a security code, so now I am sitting outside 3 buildings down just so I can play around on my computer. (My butt is numb already from sitting on the stairs.) I've waited all day to actually come sit out side. It's been raining non-stop the past two days. I love the rain, mainly on those lazy days that I can sit inside, cuddled up with a good book or movie, and sit there to enjoy it. I was glad when it finally did stop though. I needed to get out of that apartment for a while, if only to sit outside. (lol) Oh well, so I leave for Louisiana in less than 3 days. SO EXCITED on so many different levels. I get to see Chris. I get to see my family, and I get to be HOME. Louisiana will always be my home. I don't get to go to New Orleans (kinda sucks) but I do get to fell like I am where I belong. I also need some cajun cooking to live'n up my soul. Louisiana to myself isn't just a place, and New Orleans isn't just a city. It's the foundation of who and what I am. I hate not being able to be there, and settle down where my roots belong, but time will tell when I can go back. Well, Hopefully I'll be back with some updates, and soon I'll have my connection working again. (I hope - crosses fingers) Well other than my Mardi Gras trip coming up, Life has been pretty slow and uneventful. Oh crap, here comes the rain. Peace and Love everyone

3 Love Notes:

Miss.Stefanie said...

My Cuban side migrated to New Orleans. My roots lie in that city as well.

Miss Daja said...

ive always wanted to visit new orleans just because its very cultural and i love being around things as such!
please have a wonderful time and take lots and lots of pics

p.s. i love the rain too

Rai said...

I hate the rain. It's makes my hair all frizzy. =[ lol

Where are you going if you're not
heading to New Orleans?
My older sister is going to N.O.
this weekend for Mardi Gras.

Either way have fun.