
It's Over

My ex called me today. We recently broke up (about a month ago) and it was really hard hearing his voice. He said he was just calling because he was thinking about me. He mentioned Valentines Day, but I was too busy internally arguing with my mind and heart, debating on weather I should hang up now, or throw myself into the flames and break down. Even having someone new that I am genuinely intrested in, he still gets to me. It's almost like my heart and I are speaking different languages and we can't seem to communicate properly to let each other know that it's time to move on. I'm over him, and I know that, but there are some things I can't seem to tune into myself and refrain from letting it effect me. It was really ironic when he called, I was listening to this song (play video) and I kind of just told him everything thats in the song. It's easier to let go if I don't hear from him. I can deal and move on so much better if he dosen't pop up on random days. I don't need to care, nor do I about what he is doing (or who he is doing) I erased all the pics I had of him and us. I deleted every number I had on him. I erased him from myspace, facebook, ect. I have to let go. I need to move on, so it's Over.

4 Love Notes:

Miss.Stefanie said...

Sometimes its better to left things broken than hurting yourself trying to put the pieces back together.

Rai said...

You'll eventually move on.
He won't get to you that easily.

I love that song by Jesse McCartney.

Brothers Blog said...

I'm a firm believer of when it's an official break up to just leave it at that cease further contact. When my ex and I broke up we had our son so we couldn't do that. But if he wasn't a factor I probably would have moved away somewhere I would never run into her at all. LoL.

Jenny Fidelity said...

Steph - Thats why I am so good to you, lol. Cause you're great. I'm leaving things where they lay. I don't need any fresh wounds from trying to fix the past.

Rai - Thanks mama, He won't I know. I won;t let him. (I love the song too) =]

Bro - I have a son and the crazy thing is, it was easier to move on from his dad. This ex is who I was with right after though. So the "family" bond we all feel is harder to let go of, I guess. I'm working on it though. I can't make something work that refuses to be fixed. I have to be happy first.

Thanks you guys.