Oh How I Love It

Posted by Jenny Fidelity at 11:17 PM 1 Love Notes
Maybe I'm Trippin'?
Posted by Jenny Fidelity at 10:12 PM 4 Love Notes
Psychotic Bitch
So, I've been feeling kind of crazy recently...
Posted by Jenny Fidelity at 10:09 PM 2 Love Notes
Back in Texas
Posted by Jenny Fidelity at 4:39 PM 3 Love Notes
I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane

Posted by Jenny Fidelity at 2:38 PM 0 Love Notes
The Rain Don't Last Forever

Posted by Jenny Fidelity at 4:14 PM 3 Love Notes
Happy Valentines Day
If love were a poet it would flow like liquid silk
It would procreate life like milk
if love were a poet it would dovetail Huges and Shakespear
it would alleviate all fears
Love would be able to get in anyones pants
Love would make you feel itself like pastors when they lay hands
it would write sonnets that boomed in your inner ear
if love were a poet it would instantly bring tears
love would be the type of poet that we all aspire to emulate
It would be Dickinson, Plath, Sanchez, or Giovanni
love would rejuvinate your aura and make you tipsy
it would have similies and metaphors that intertwine effortlessly
the words would cause orgasm instantly
they would blend like Halle and Beauty do
have you running to your bedroom to do what lovers do
the prose would hit you in the heart like when Luther Sings
if love were a poet would it write with couplets in a,b format
would it write hate poems that make your feelings go doormat
would the lines be so deep you'd need a dictionary to comprehend
or would you have to make encyclopedia britannica your best friend
would love write untill you couldn't contain your raw emotions
untill your synapses had all fired and caused commotions
if love were a poet would it be a guy or a girl
would it be gay or straight
what would love think aboutwhat would be loves inspiration
what would be your interpritation
but one thing i would want to know for myself
if love were a poet would it be vain and write about itself
Posted by Jenny Fidelity at 11:40 AM 1 Love Notes
It's Over
My ex called me today. We recently broke up (about a month ago) and it was really hard hearing his voice. He said he was just calling because he was thinking about me. He mentioned Valentines Day, but I was too busy internally arguing with my mind and heart, debating on weather I should hang up now, or throw myself into the flames and break down. Even having someone new that I am genuinely intrested in, he still gets to me. It's almost like my heart and I are speaking different languages and we can't seem to communicate properly to let each other know that it's time to move on. I'm over him, and I know that, but there are some things I can't seem to tune into myself and refrain from letting it effect me. It was really ironic when he called, I was listening to this song (play video) and I kind of just told him everything thats in the song. It's easier to let go if I don't hear from him. I can deal and move on so much better if he dosen't pop up on random days. I don't need to care, nor do I about what he is doing (or who he is doing) I erased all the pics I had of him and us. I deleted every number I had on him. I erased him from myspace, facebook, ect. I have to let go. I need to move on, so it's Over.

Posted by Jenny Fidelity at 10:20 AM 4 Love Notes
Alone for V Day, but thats OK

Posted by Jenny Fidelity at 4:49 AM 7 Love Notes
So, I Kinda Cheated

Posted by Jenny Fidelity at 4:30 AM 3 Love Notes
New Orleans at the Grammy Awards
Watching this performance gave me chills. Wayne brought N.O. to the Grammys. This was amazing. The song, the lyrics, everything. Robin Thicke is such a talented man. The Brass Band and the 2nd line dancing was a touch of home. It's been almost 4 years since the storm and we're still striving to survive. WE ARE SURVIVING none the less, and Lil Wayne hasn't let the world forget us.
Posted by Jenny Fidelity at 8:16 AM 0 Love Notes
Domestic Drama

Awareness is essential to change this world.

Stop the cycle.
Need Help?

Posted by Jenny Fidelity at 4:46 AM 2 Love Notes
Grammy Time

Posted by Jenny Fidelity at 5:31 AM 1 Love Notes
No She Didn't
Posted by Jenny Fidelity at 11:30 AM 1 Love Notes
She's at it Again

Posted by Jenny Fidelity at 8:16 AM 0 Love Notes